Silver Torch (Cleistocactus strausii) Rooted Cutting

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Cleistocactus strausii is a clumping columnar cactus native to the mountains of Bolivia. It's commonly known as the Silver Torch Cactus due to its silvery-white coating of dense soft spines. Some people also affectionately refer to these plants as “Fluffy’s” for this reason.

You will receive one rooted cutting approximately 12-15cm tall similar to the one photographed.

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  • Cleistocactus strausii is native to the mountains of Department Tarija, Bolivia. In habitat, it can be found growing on rocky and exposed soils.

    Rain is heavy and frequent during Summer months, but practically non-existent in Winter.

  • Like any other plant, the key to caring for Cleistocactus strausii is to learn about and mimic its natural environment as best you can. Pot or plant into a harp, fast draining, and mineral-rich substrate. Keep completely dry in winter and provide generous water in Summer.

    Direct sun several hours a day is recommended and necessary to promote flowering.

    Cleistocactus strausii does not enjoy extremely high temperatures but is frost hardy and will tolerate temperatures as low as -10°C for a short time.

  • Cleistocactus strausii will grow to a maximum stem height of around 3 meters, with a diameter of 6cm. As the plant matures it will produce more stems to eventually form a nice clump of silvery-white columns.

    Growth rate is moderate at around 5-15cm per year, increasing as the plant matures. Slower growing than Echinopsis Pachanoi (San Pedro) but considerably faster than a Carnegiea gigantea (Saguaro).

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